One of the services of Fennimore Area Health Services provides is awarding a number of eligible Fennimore High School seniors with scholarships for college education. FAHS also awards eligible Fennimore area college students (including returning adults) who are continuing their education. Recent Scholarship Recipients.
Accepting Applications for High Seniors Now! Deadline is April 15.
Fennimore Area Health Services Scholarship Information and Application for Fennimore High School Seniors
FAHS Scholarship Application Guidelines for FHS Seniors
Please download, print, and complete the application form.
FAHS Scholarship Application form for Fennimore High School seniors
Please download and save the Fillable Application Form. Using an up-to-date PDF program, complete the form fields, and save the form. Additional information (beyond the space allowed on the form) may be submitted on a separate document.
Fillable FAHSF Scholarship Application
FAHS Scholarship Information and Application for College Students (Including Returning Adults)
FAHS Scholarship Application Guidelines for College Students
Please download, print, and complete the application form.
FAHSF Scholarship Application Form for College Students
Please download and save the Fillable Application Form. Using an up-to-date PDF program, complete the form fields, and save the form. Additional information (beyond the space allowed on the form) may be submitted on a separate document.
Fillable FAHSF Scholarship Application Form for College Students
Submit by Mail the completed application form, your school transcripts and any supporting documents to Fennimore Area Health Services, PO Box 196, Fennimore WI 53809 OR
Submit by Email to